Organization of West Bengal Truck Operators' Association president Subhas Bose said the strike has been called essentially to request a 25 percent expansion in most extreme safe hub weight for merchandise vehicles employing in West Bengal, guaranteeing that different states have just executed the standard. 

Flexibly of basic products in West Bengal is probably going to be upset as around six lakh drivers went on a 72-hour strike from Monday, requesting prompt execution of updated conveying limit with respect to merchandise vehicles among others. 

Organization of West Bengal Truck Operators' Association president Subhas Bose said the strike has been called mostly to request a 25 percent expansion in greatest safe pivot weight for merchandise vehicles rehearsing in West Bengal, guaranteeing that different states have just actualized the standard. 

"Reconsidered standards of safe pivot loads for transport vehicles have been actualized the nation over aside from West Bengal," he told PTI. 

Excepting a couple, around six lakh trucks have gone rough terrain in the state on the side of the strike, Mr Bose said. 

"We have mentioned all the drivers' relationship to join the 72-hour strike. A large portion of the associations partook in the dissent yet some have not," Mr Bose said. 

A collection of drivers working at the port in Kolkata and the Calcutta Goods Transport Association have not partaken in the strike. 

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The truck administrators additionally requested the evacuation of superfluous no-passage focuses on roadways, withdrawal of assessment collected at cost squares and forgoing off the street charge for the current financial in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The FWBTOA had before written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, encouraging him to pull back the duty collected at cost courts